Kisfaludy Programme information

The Csopak Team

The Petrányi family

Besides the winery, the name of the Petrányi Family may sound familiar to most people in connection with Ford cars. With its 150 employees, the Budapest-based company is a key player in the market of the well-known brand. The passion for sailing has attached the family to Csopak for decades. The Petrányi family put their heart and perfectionism into everything they do, whether it’s cars, sailing or the Csopak estate.

More than a team: a community

Everyone came from a slightly different background, still we are a big family. Our team is small but everyone has a little share in everything. This is exactly what makes our common work effective: we all feel responsible for our tasks. If possible, we would like to employ our colleagues through the whole year, not just in the high season. We do our best to keep up the good atmosphere.

István Petrányi and Piroska Petrányi

The founders of the Petrányi Winery

They fell in love with this special landscape and founded a family estate at the turn of the millennium. At first, only sailing connected them to Csopak, but later they bought a land. The half-hectare vineyard was extended to 3.5 hectares on Szitahegy with an estate centre and with catering, and later it was enlarged with another 2.5 hectares in Bene dűlő. All members of the family are involved in setting directions, and, if they can, they also take their part in the grape harvest and in the terrace design. István mostly feels at home in the cellar, and Piroska mainly deals with the Wine Terrace and the Kincses company. The second (Zoltán Petrányi and his wife Viki) and the third generation (Botond Petrányi) are also active in sailing. They live the daily life of the Petrányi Winery together, as a close-knit family.

Petrányi István és Petrányi Piroska állnak a szőlőbirtokon

Team members

We write our own story together with you

Kós Attila profilképe

Attila Kós

Borterasz business manager

Attila joined the Borterasz team in 2018, when he came home from Germany, and is now coordinating, managing, and leading catering-related activities. Before that, he spent nine summers at Szent Donát Borkúria as a business manager. He believes that the allure of our restaurant is created through attention to small details: he loves to see the produce of our own garden on our menu, which always follows the season. His goal is to enhance our excellent kitchen and wonderful wines with professional and friendly service, and to turn new guests into regulars.

a képen Ruga Endre konyhafőnök látható

Ruga Endre

Head Chef

Ruga Endre chef 2024 tavaszán vette át a Borterasz konyhájának vezetését. Ruga Endre és csapata 2025-ben is, a nagy adagok, a  letisztult formák, a  különleges-izgalmas új ízek híve.“Célom hogy a Petrányi Borteraszra visszahozzam a gyerekkoromból megismert családi étkezések ízeit és hangulatát-letisztult formában, helyi, válogatott alapanyagok felhasználásával.”

Mede Ádám

Executive Chef

Mede Ádám kreatív tanácsadó séf, a borterasz új koncepciójának megálmodója. "Célom egy erős önműködő rendszer kialakítása, folyamatos magas minőségű gasztronómiai élmény biztosítása mellett." Ádám gyakorlati, megoldás orientált szakmai tanácsaival, a háttérből segíti nemcsak a konyhát, hanem a teljes csapat munkáját. Büszkék vagyunk rá, hogy vele dolgozhatunk.

Vaskovics Zsolt konyhafőnök helyettes

Vaskovics Zsolt

Shous Chef

“Gyermekkoromban édesanyám rengeteg időt töltött a konyhában,mennyei illatok rengték be az otthont ,családi vasárnapi ebéd, 4-5 féle étel, már akkor tudtam, hogy ezzel óriási mosolyt lehet csalni az emberek arcára. Talán mindig ez motivált, az érzés, hogy majd egyszer én is tudok ilyen élményt nyújtani másnak.  A vendéglátás nem mindig könnyű, de megfelelő alázattal, odafigyeléssel,a szakma szeretetével egy kiváló hosszútávú kapcsolat tud lenni.  A legjobb azt látni amikor a vendég mosollyal távozik, mert tudjuk, hogy sikeres volt az üzenet amit át akartunk adni. “

Bakó Ambrus profilképe

Ambrus Bakó


Ambrus joined our team in 2018, as the successor of RITECZ János, who produced wine until 2017. He introduced new colour and new style into our wines. This young winemaker has an extensive knowledge of biochemical and microbiological processes (he even teaches the subject), and is one of those few exceptional artisans able to captivate an audience with their tales. He gained national renown through his work in his wine cellars in Badacsony, and we are extremely glad that he joined us.

Molnár Zoltán profilképe

Zoltán Molnár

Vintner, cellarer

Locals are enamoured with the vineyard of Petrányi Pince in Szitahegy. This is mainly thanks to MOLNÁR Zoltán, who coordinates vineyard-related tasks, and who has been a pillar of our team since the very beginning. The fate of a good wine is decided in the vineyard, so monitoring the development and health of the plants is essential. Zoltán, as cellarer, has authority not only over the vine, but also over the daily tasks associated with the wine cellar, including the picking of the grapes and fining of the wine, and even the organization of bottling and labelling.

Ódor Tamás profilképe

Tamás Ódor

Assistant vintner

The right hand of Zoltán Molnár, with a great knowledge of technical and technological issues; Tamás Ódor has spent multiple years as the problem-solver of our vineyard. He does more than just tractor driving—he is a jack-of-all-trades, able to disassemble, assemble, modify anything so that work in the cellar and around the terrace can be more efficient. Without him, we would be facing trouble if a pump breaks down.

Opening hours

Opening hours of the Petrányi Winery